
Powerful New Ad Slams President Obama Over Lethal Fast and Furious Operation

American Future Fund is out with a new ad hitting President Obama directly for his refusal to take responsibility and to hold Attorney General Eric Holder accountable for his role in the lethal Operation Fast and Furious. The ad comes just one day after former U.S. Attorney, Texas Supreme Court Justice and current U.S. Senator John Cornyn called for Holder's resignation and just one week before the House Oversight Committee will vote to hold Holder in Contempt of Congress for his ongoing stonewalling of the investigation. Also, last week Holder admitted before the House Judiciary Committee that he had been in contact with the White House, including David Axelrod, about how to craft messaging in response to Congress and the press about Fast and Furious, proving Obama's re-election campaign is concerned about the political consequences of this scandal.






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