
Alan Colmes: Don't Hold Susan Rice Accountable Because She's Black

I've been hoping that the race card would be played out by now but sadly, it isn't. Yesterday on America Live with Megyn Kelly, liberal Alan Colmes said Republicans shouldn't be criticizing Susan Rice because she's a black woman. Colmes argued that the optics of Republicans "attacking minorities" don't look so good.

"I just don't think it is wise for Republicans on the heels of the election to pick as their first target an African-American woman, a very accomplished one just by a purely political, strategic standpoint."

“The first thing they do after an election is to go after an African-American woman. I think it makes no sense when they are trying to broaden the party.”

"What they're doing is perceptually wrong whether it is true or not."

So according to Colmes, we can't hold anybody who happens to be a minority accountable for their actions, even if it means allowing them to mislead and lie to the American people about the murders of our fellow Americans. Got it...

Megyn Kelly asked the perfect question: Did they go after an African-American woman, or did they go after the UN ambassador?

Republicans and Democrats are demanding answers from UN Ambassador Susan Rice and Obama administration over what happened in Benghazi on 9/11.