
Huck Manager Still Campaigning Against Romney

Via the NYT, former Huckabee campaign manager Ed Rollins had this to say about a possible Romney veep pick:
“Twelve houses between them, two rich guys, it’s almost like shooting fish in a bucket,” said Ed Rollins, a Republican strategist who led Huckabee's presidential campaign this year.
In fairness, it's completely possible that this could have been taken out of context.  For all we know, Rollins could have prefaced it by saying lots of great stuff about Romney, and then turned to the potential downfalls of having Romney as McCain's running mate. 

Of course, assuming he has noble motives, this is the trouble with being a "celebrity" consultant who wears two hats:  He is an operative -- but is also a frequent TV analyst/pundit.  Typically, operatives are supposed to stay on message (read, be boring), while pundits and analysts are supposed to be interesting ...

Or maybe the Huckabee team is actually trying to nix a Romney pick, which would set Romney up as the heir apparent.

Either way, this doesn't look good -- especially if McCain does pick Romney tomorrow.  You would think that Huckabee and his team would refrain from criticizing people on McCain's short list ... at least for the next 48 hours ...