
John Kerry: Jeffords was 'Canary' in Colemine, Specter is 'Tipping Point'

Sen. John Kerry just issued an interesting statement on Arlen Specter's announcement:
“This is a big moment.  When Jim Jeffords left the Republican Party, he was the canary in the coal mine warning of Bush era ideological excess, and Senator Specter’s decision eight years later signals its tipping point.  This is now officially a Republican Party where moderates need not apply, and a Democratic Party under President Obama that welcomes all perspectives and is determined to find consensus to move America forward.

Arlen Specter is guts and grit personified, and he remains as independent as ever.  He’s always been a thoughtful voice on everything from science and research to twenty first century infrastructure, and I look forward to working with him in our Caucus.”