
EPA's Propaganda Sweepstakes

Tomorrow is Earth Day, and to commemorate the occasion, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recruited people from all across the country to submit videos exclaiming, "It's MY Environment!" 

As we all know, the Obama administration is hard at work trying to pass cap-and-trade.  Speaking for those of us who aren't thrilled about the prospect of "necessarily skyrocketing" energy prices and the burden of higher prices for everyday consumer goods subjected to a new carbon tax on manufacturers, Americans for Prosperity has submitted its own video, "thanking" the EPA for all their hard work.

Somehow I don't think the EPA will pick AFP to be their winner. Our friends over at HotAir have launched their own video contest.  Allahpundit and Ed are looking for video submissions that show the danger and damage existing federal regulations already cause.  Click here for more info on how to enter and win!