
"Our Goal Is To Get To Super Tuesday" - Gingrich

After a disastrous defeat in Nevada and a strange, vindictive speech fixated on his rival, Newt Gingrich appeared on Meet the Press to lay out his strategy to take him further in the GOP nomination fight and, potentially, to the nomination.

"Our goal is to get to Super Tuesday where we are in much more favorable territory... By the time Texas is over, we will be very, very competitive in delegate count,” he predicted.

Gingrich's focus on Southern states stems from his success in South Carolina where he powered to victory thanks to the support of voters looking for a more conservative alternative to Romney.

Ten states hold primaries or caucuses on Super Tuesday and a total of 437 total delegates are up for grabs. They are Alaska (27), Georgia (76), Idaho (32), Massachusetts (41), North Dakota (28), Ohio (66), Oklahoma (43), Tennessee (58), Vermont (17), and Virginia (49).

Gingrich is right about one thing: very few states have actually voted so far, and very few delegates have actually been apportioned. If Newt has a long-game strategy, the long game is still very much in play.

Maine is currently in the midst of a multiple-day voting process, Minnesota and Colorado vote on February 7th, and Michigan and Arizona vote on February 28th. There's still a long way to go between now and the GOP convention.