
Human Rights Campaign Called FRC a Hate Group

Yesterday the Human Rights Campaign cited the Southern Poverty Law Center calling the Family Research Council a "hate" group.

 The FRC has been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. It’s a group that has advocated for the criminalization of homosexuality, called for LGBT people to be exported from the U.S., and has pushed dangerous lies trying to link being gay to pedophilia.

And yet – despite this – the Values Voter Summit is a draw for conservatives, and it’s where the GOP’s Vice Presidential candidate will be speaking next month. No word yet on whether Mitt Romney – who spoke at the event last year – will return to speak again.

UPDATE: FRC was vilified by the Daily Kos for it's support of Chick-Fil-A.

Chick-Fil-A's corporate "charity" arm WinShape has donated millions of dollars to groups like Family Research Council. FRC doesn't just oppose marriage equality, they really do HATE gays.