
Help Burma Cyclone Victims

2008-05-06_1628.png picture by MattLewis01

Before we become consumed in the North Carolina and Indiana Primaries, I wanted to take a moment to mention the recent tragedy in Burma. 

As the AP is reporting,

The cyclone death toll soared above 22,000 on Tuesday and more than 41,000 others were missing as foreign countries mobilized to rush in aid after the country's deadliest storm on record, state radio reported.

Up to 1 million people may be homeless after Cyclone Nargis hit the Southeast Asian nation, also known as Burma, early Saturday. Some villages have been almost totally eradicated and vast rice-growing areas are wiped out, the World Food Program said.

... This organization is providing much-needed disaster relief

Note:  This has special importance to us because two Townhaller's -- Chris Bower and Matt Bower -- grew up in the church sponsoring this relief effort.  Their mom is very active in this very effort, and may go to Burma to help.

Please do whatever you can to help the victims of this devastating cyclone.  Your tax deductable donation to support the victims of this disaster would be greatly appreciated by this group of committed volunteers.