
After Stabbings, Occupiers Asked to Turn in Weapons

"Peaceful" Occupy protesters were asked to hand in their weapons before attending a protest in San Fransisco this week after a multiple incidents of violent stabbings.

The request follows a Sunday night incident in which 28-year-old demonstrator Brian “Boston” Reid was stabbed in the chest after an argument, police and witnesses said. Reid survived, but had to undergo surgery, demonstrators said Tuesday.

Then on Monday night, a 27-year-old man was stabbed in the neck during a brawl with a transient who had been screaming 9/11 conspiracy theories at the group, police and witnesses said. The victim, who would only identify himself as Jim, later said he rejoined the group after being stitched up and released from the hospital.

No arrests have been reported in either incident. However, officers will now be posted at the protest site around the clock, police Sgt. Michael Andraychak said Tuesday.

The violence has marred a burgeoning effort to bring back the occupation as warmer weather approaches The City.
“Now Occupy SF wants people to check in their knives,” said activist Mike Clift, 44.

Occupy "Spring" is supposed to start raging across the country today, including in Washington D.C., where the Occupy camp was taken down by a hazmat team a few short months ago.