
In Case You Missed It...

Just a small follow-up to my earlier post about political messages being played-out in America's schools...

If you watched Glenn Beck's program on Fox News yesterday, you may have seen footage from a video by Annie Leonard, founder of the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives and "American critic of excessive consumerism." The video, entitled The Story of Stuff, was sent to Beck by a viewer who said his children had watched it in class at school. 

I was startled by the snippets of footage Beck showed, but it turns out that full video gets much, MUCH worse... 

You may have also noticed who made this video: the Soros-funded Tides Foundation--which, in turn, provides support to the Apollo Alliance.  The Tides Foundation also receives funding from Wade Rathke, co-founder of both ACORN and SEIU.  Hm.  Interesting.  

Parents: PAY ATTENTION to what your children are "learning" in school today and be ready to explain the truth behind the heavily slanted, purposefully misleading and often flat-out false information presented in "educational" tools like this.