
Romney To Quit?

Everyone's hearing it.

Bryan Preston confirmed it with an ACU source.

And, apparently Kevin Madden is confirming, too.

His presence here is strong, with Mitt supporters handing out stickers and waving signs all down every hall, just like last year.

After this, Huckabee's "two-man" race will be a one-man race, and he won't be a part of it.

Update: Laura Ingraham's introducing Romney right now and, oddly, pointing out that many people told Reagan to get out of the race in '76 "for the good of the party, but fighting it through to the party ended up being good for the party."

"Of the three remaining candidates for President, I get to introduce the conservative."

Sigh. There are a lot of frowning faces gathered around the TV in the exhibit hall.

"Mitt Romney is the conservatives' conservative...Beyond any of that, he is a class act."