
Oh Baby It's a Wild World

... Hmm.  Did you hear that Rush Limbaugh had trouble voting today?

This is honestly the oddest campaign I've ever seen in my life.

... Mike Huckabee is saying that if he comes in close to Rudy Giuliani tonight, that he would consider that (you guessed it) a big win.  Why, you ask?  He reasons that Rudy put in so much time in the state, that coming in close to him (in 4th place) is a sign of support.  (One man's spin is another man's grasping at straws...)

.... Here's another example.  We all thought -- of course -- that McCain would do terrific with military voters.  Turns out, exit polls show him only narrowly winning those votes.  I'm hearing he is great with Hispanic voters, though ...

... Time has the Fox exit poll numbers I alluded to earlier:

Romney 45, McCain 22, Giuliani 17, Huckabee 14

McCain 38, Romney 34, Huckabee 12, Giuliani 10

Did the endorsement by Gov. Crist matter to you?
Yes 43, No 53

Among those for whom it was important:
McCain 51, Romney 23

Approximately 1 in 5 voters made up their minds in the last 3 days.

Among those:
Romney 37, McCain 36