
Thank God for Rush Limbaugh!

Last month, in my Conservative Guide to VP Picks™, I described a possible Tom Ridge veep selection as follows: "Unacceptable.  Deal-breaker."   A few days later, I appeared on Fox News' The Live Desk with Martha MacCallum, and made essentially the same point -- adding that I would be much more comfortable with a Mitt Romney selection.  As veep speculation intensified this week, I wrote Heartbreak Ridge to help squash the predictable argument that McCain/Ridge would be analagous to Reagan/Bush.

While I am happy to have been at the forefront of this effort, it is once again clear that, when it comes to making things happen, blogs are important, but Rush Limbaugh is still the king.  Within hours of Rush putting the "kibosh" on Ridge or Lieberman, the RNC announced that McCain will not choose a pro-abortion running mate.

Coincidence?  I don't think so...