
Michael Steele and the Pro-Life Debate

There is some debate among conservatives whether Micheal Steele is pro-life enough to become the next National Republican Committee Chairman. The skeptics usually cite a 2006 interview Steele had with Tim Russert on Meet the Press.

In the interview Steele, then the GOP candidate for Maryland Senate, said he believed the courts had already ruled on Roe v. Wade and that abortion matters should be determined state-by-state. He refrained from saying Roe v. Wade should be overturned.

This is a legitimate debate and Steele, who has repeatedly contended that he is pro-life, should clarify these remarks in the 2006 interview. For now, it might be helpful for those debating the issue to look at this mailer the National Right to Life submitted on his behalf during his Senate race. It's a ringing endorsement for him.

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