
Bennett Lectures Values Voters on Palin Baby

Salem talker Bill Bennett lectured conservatives at the Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit about their reaction to the news of GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s unexpected grandchild.

After the world learned Palin’s teenager daughter, Bristol, was five-months pregnant Bennett said too many pro-lifers jumped to call it a “teachable moment."

“Some of us overshot a little bit,” the popular talk radio host said. Bennett worried too many conservatives eagerly praised the Palin family for supporting Bristol’s decision to keep her baby at the expense of sacrificing their long-held opposition to pre-marital sex.

“In honoring the morally clarity of the Palins, we should not abandon our longstanding discouragement of teen sex,” Bennett said. “We can praise the Palins for their actions in this difficult circumstance and at the same time promote the policies of sexual abstinence, sanctity of marriage and the need for responsible fatherhood.”