
Coroner’s Office Says Andrew Breitbart Died of Heart Failure

On Friday, it was confirmed by the LA County coroner’s office that Andrew Breitbart died of natural causes. (H/T AllahPundit):

Commentator and editor Andrew Breitbart, a polarizing website publisher who once helped edit the Drudge Report and found his way to tea party stardom in recent years, died of heart failure and hardening of the arteries, the Los Angeles County coroner's office said Friday.

The office ruled that the cause of Breitbart's death was heart failure and hypertropic cardiomyopathy with focal coronary atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.

Coroner's officials deemed the death "natural," and toxicology tests detected no illicit drugs in Breitbart's system. His blood-alcohol level was 0.04%

As AP notes in his post, the reason for his “0.04%” blood-alcohol level was because he was last seen casually drinking at a local bar less than an hour before “collapsing on the street” near his home in Brentwood, California. According to marketing executive Arthur Sando – who had spent several hours that evening conversing and discussing politics with the conservative activist – Breitbart appeared healthy and “there was no signs that anything was wrong.” Of course, there have been whispers and rumors in the weeks since his passing (presumably promulgated by his leftist enemies), that the 43-year-old was on drugs and/or heavily intoxicated the night he died. Obviously, as the Los Angeles coroner’s office explains, this was simply not the case.