
June 26: From the Front Lines web-a-thon has just signed-on as a sponsor of an exciting new effort envisioned by Melanie Morgan of Move America Forward and Michelle Malkin of Hot Air.

The mission is to "present an 8-hour web-a-thon -- with the goal of sending the largest single shipment of care packages to U.S. troops in American history."

As Michelle Malkin notes:
The grand finale for the push will take place on June 26th with an 8-hour Internet telethon, “From the Frontlines.” I’ll join Melanie on the livestream, where we’ll feature live and taped reports from our troops serving in Iraq & Afghanistan. We’ll also be joined by many pro-troops celebrities and leaders of grass-roots pro-military groups. Go to MAF for much more info.

You can help by sponsoring care packages at:

Stay tuned for more info ...