
Defending Rosie

This has got to be seen to be believed. Luckily, they were silly enough to record it. The wise words of Jennifer Pozner of Women in Media and News:

"If you're a woman in Pensacola or any number of states that have been subjected to this kind of anti-abortion terrorism, in this country carried out in the name of a bastardized Christianity, you fear for your life every single day."

Scarborough: Do you think Christian extremists pose as much of a threat to the safety and well-being of Americans as Islamic extremists today?

"It depends on which Americans' safety you're talking about. It really depends. If you're a woman who needs healthcare, then yes. But, if you're a New Yorker, maybe not."

Do yourself a favor and watch it. It so very unintentionally funny.

Intentionally funny, on the other hand, is RightWingDuck's illustration of Islamic Extremists and Christian Extremists. Illuminating.