
Conservative Reaction to Fosella Embroglio

As you may have heard, Congressman Vito Fosella (R-NY) is in hot water right about now.  He was arrested for drunken-driving charges, but later admitted to having fathered a daughter in an "extramarital affair."

As you might imagine, there is pressure on him to resign. 

I asked Craig Shirley, a well-known conservative author, whether or not he should quit.  His response was quite humorous:
“Why should Fossella resign?  We in the private sector have standards. It is only in the public sector where greed, avarice, stupidity, corruption, lying, cheating and stealing are tolerated.” 

    - Craig Shirley, Republican strategist and President of Shirley & Banister Public affairs.  He is also the author of the forthcoming book “Rendezvous with Destiny.”