
James O’Keefe Arrested For Trying To Tamper With Democratic Senator's Phones

Conservative filmmaker James O'Keefe, responsible for the video that took down ACORN, was one of four individuals arrested for tampering with the phones in Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu's office in the Hale Boggs Federal Building in downtown New Orleans. Two individuals, aided by O'Keefe, posed as phone repairmen, and were manipulating Landrieu's phones, probably to either bug or disable them.


FBI Special Agent Steven Rayes alleges that O'Keefe aided and abetted two others, Joseph Basel and Robert Flanagan, who dressed up as employees of a telephone company and attempted to interfere with the office's telephone system.

...All four were charged with entering fedral property under false pretenses with the intent of committing a felony.
Uh. That's illegal. Just ask Nixon.