
Mayors Against Illegal Guns True Agenda is Anti-Gun

A Guest Blog from Scott O'Grady.

As I crouched behind enemy lines in Bosnia after my F-16 was shot down more than a decade ago, I promised myself that when rescued, I would always speak out when the values we hold dear as Americans are threatened. Through the years, I have kept that promise.
There is an organization whose primary agenda is anti-gun, Mayors Against Illegal Guns and one of their members is a candidate to replace U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson is Houston Mayor Bill White. Mr. White opposes our Second Amendment right to bear arms.

It’s website says “As Mayors, our highest responsibility is to enforce the law and to protect the people we serve,” however eight current members find themselves in trouble with the law in their respective cities.

Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns is headed by liberal mayors Mike Bloomberg of New York and Tom Menino of Boston. Their mission is to put pressure on the federal government and state legislatures to strengthen anti-gun laws. White and the other mayors want to prohibit guns from entering the hands of law-abiding gun owners.

Some mayors who originally joined this group resigned when they discovered its true agenda. According to media reports Alaska’s Mark Begich, currently a U.S. Senator, told his hometown newspaper: “I recently withdrew my name from the coalition after initially agreeing to sign on. I am concerned the coalition is working on issues that conflict with the beliefs we share in Alaska about legal gun ownership." (Begich, "Letters: Guarding Second Amendment rights was not a part of mayors' coalition," Anchorage Daily News, 2/4/2007)   As you can see, when leaders see the true mission of the organization, they are not staying on board.

All Americans should be concerned about any politician who doesn’t strongly support a law-abiding individual’s right to bear arms because this Constitutional right should not be infringed. Bill White, or any politician for that matter, who doesn’t fully support the Second Amendment as an individual right should not hold public office at any level.
I will always be a public proponent of our Constitutional rights, especially when it comes to defending our right to bear arms as citizens. Please join me in my effort to inform all voters, not just in the Texas Senate Race, about the importance of our Second Amendment Rights. We must unite in our opposition to candidates, such as Bill White, who do not agree with us regarding the right to bear arms. 

Scott O’Grady,
Strong Proponent of the Second Amendment
Former NRA Board Member
Bosnian War Survivor