
What's Hot Thursday?

What are the most popular stories around the web this morning?  Townhall does the surfing so you don't have to.

Wall Street Journal: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace

Time Magazine: For the Republicans, It Could Have Been Worse

Los Angeles Times:World Reaction to Obama Victory: Elation

Philadelphia Inquirer: McCain Camp Trying to Scapegoat Palin

ABC News:  Where Does the GOP Go From Here?

Newsweek:  Worst Campaign Ever?
Politico:The Biggest Losers 

US News & World Report: John McCain, POW:First-Person Account

Houston Chronicle: Election Defeat Stuns Incumbent Harris Co. Judges

Boston Globe: The Next President of the United States

CNN: Move Over Barney, New Dog Moving into White House

Slate: The Surprising Absence of an October Surprise

Chicago Tribune: Who Made Michelle Obama's Dress?

New York Post:  Boldfaces Elect To Celebrate

FOX News:  Gay Marriage Ban Protesters, Police Clash in California Streets

New York Times: Finishing Our Work 
                Ann Coulter:The Reign of Lame Falls Mainly on McCain         
                George Will: Conservatives, Take Note
                Dick Morris:President Obama: A Trustee in Bankruptcy
                Larry Elder:Do You Need Obama to Believe?