
Allen West to Samuel L. Jackson: Quit Crying Racism and Stick to Movies, Champ

Noted Obama syccophant Morgan Freeman recently condemned the Tea Party movement as anti-American and suggested that conservative opposition to the president's policies can be chalked up to "a racist thing."  Fellow actor Samuel L. Jackson revisited the same theme in an interview with NY Magazine, published yesterday:

While we were on the subject, we asked Jackson if he agreed with fellow thespian Morgan Freeman, who caused something of a ruckus recently after he claimed that the tea party is racist. "It’s pretty obvious what they are," Jackson told us. "The division of the country is not about the government having too much power. I think everything right now is geared toward getting that guy out of office, whatever that means," he said, echoing Freeman. "It’s not politics. It is not economics. It all boils down to pretty much to race. It is a shame."

Jackson also asserted that Rick Perry's (inane and grossly unfair) "Rock-gate" controversy won't damage him politically because "he's a Republican, and this is America."  A rather dim view of a populace that has catapulted Jackson to international stardom and enriched him beyond his wildest dreams, I'd say.  Well, Jackson's smears were bit too much for Rep. Allen West (R-FL) to take lying down.  The fiery Congressman -- who is member of both the Tea Party and Congressional Black Caucuses -- appeared on Fox News this morning to upbraid the actor for his remarks and remind viewers whose economic policies have put millions of African-Americans in a world of hurt:

Speaking of Herman Cain, he must really be struggling among conservative and Tea Party-aligned voters, especially in the racist South.  Those rednecks are Republicans, and this is America, after all:

Georgia - Cain, with 41 percent, ranked first by a large margin. The former businessman and talk show host received more than double the votes of second-place candidate Gingrich at 17 percent.  Mitt Romney and Rick Perry, the two men often seen as front-runners on a national scale, finished essentially tied with 10 percent and 9 percent respectively. Twelve percent of voters said they had no opinion at this time.

West Virginia - The former Godfather’s Pizza CEO leads the field with 24 percent support in West Virginia, according to a Public Policy Polling (D) survey. Gingrich attracts 18 percent and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney rounds out the top three with 16 percent. Texas Gov. Rick Perry is close behind with 15 percent, and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann takes 8 percent.

North Carolina - Cain leads with 27 percent, according to PPP. Gingrich and Romney tie for second place with 17 percent. Perry gets 15 percent, and Texas Rep. Ron Paul and Bachmann tie with 6 percent.

I wonder how the Snakes On A Plane star would reconcile the data above with his flippant and cynical conclusion that opposition to Obama "all boils down pretty much to race."