
Romney Says He'd Undo ObamaCare On First Day if President

A GOP frontrunner in the party's 2012 primary with a checkered past on health care, Mitt Romney produced a rather bold headline today with his op-ed in the USA Today: As first act, out with ObamaCare.

"If I am elected president, I will issue on my first day in office an executive order paving the way for waivers from ObamaCare for all 50 states. Subsequently, I will call on Congress to fully repeal ObamaCare," Romney writes.

He then gives 5 reforms he would make to the system.

" I believe the better course is to empower the states to determine their own health care futures," Romney also writes.

Still a red flag? Romney has previously justified his ObamaCare-like plan for Massachusetts by saying it's more acceptable to try if in the hands of the state, not the federal government.