
Senate Candidates & The CA Decision

Think Senate races don't matter this year?  These are the folks who would be voting on judicial nominations.  In light of the California Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage, here's a quick run-down some of the Democratic Senate candidates up for election this year ...

Al Franken (MN) – Franken has stated he wouldn't have voted for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).  (CNBC’s “Tim Russert,” April 1, 2006).

Rick Noriega (TX) – Noriega was one of only nine Representatives to vote against banning gay marriage and civil unions in Texas.  (Dallas Morning News, May 1, 2003).

Mark Udall (CO) – Voted against a ban on same-sex marriage in the Colorado House -- and in the U.S. House, he twice voted against a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

Tom Udall (NM) – An advocate of domestic partnership who has said the issue of same-sex marriage does not belong in the Constitution. Udall twice voted against a Constitutional amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Mark Warner (VA) – Attempted to block a legislative ban on all legal recognition of gay relationships.  He also recommended striking partnership contract provisions from the Affirmation of Marriage Act for the Commonwealth of Virginia.