
Team Sarah Townhall - This Saturday!

You just knew the selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was a good one, because the Democrats, their radical-left friends and the drive-by media have been letting out primal scream ever since.

Since late August, Sarah Palin and her family have been attacked and ridiculed in a way never before seen in American politics.  Her every comment was scrutinized and judged against what Jefferson or Lincoln might have said.  The media has a hard time grasping that people appreciate Sarah because she is precisely the kind of politician everyone has been saying they wanted:  Independent with proven accomplishments, not a captive of the Beltway, who will take on and beat the hacks of both parties.  There are other important qualifications that are even important in our leaders, such as will, courage, and determination, and Sarah Palin has shown us she possesses those, too.

An infusion of these qualities in our body politic are desperately needed – not just to raise hell with the establishment, but to speak the hard truth about unpleasant choices facing our country; to push for policies that will work for the long term benefit our country.  In other words, make decisions and act that most of today’s leaders lack the political courage to do. 

We need more leaders like Governor Palin, but first and foremost we need Governor Sarah Palin in Washington.  In two weeks, we can accomplish that goal. But we need to work.  That’s what this call is all about