
Dems Leaving Incumbents for (Politically) Dead

The NY Times reports this morning that the DCCC has withdrawn all cash infusions to buy advertising on behalf of embattled congressmen Steve Driehaus of Ohio, Kathy Dahlkemper of Pennsylvania and Suzanne Kosmas of Florida.

More of these stories will be coming, as deadlines loom for the Democrats to be able to surrender previously reserved television time without financial penalty.

Recall that Driehaus and Dahlkemper were part of the supposed "pro-life" bloc of Democrats who sold out for ObamaCare.  Guess those contributions from fellow sell-out Bart Stupak last July weren't enough.  And I guess Kosmas won't be getting any more personal sit-downs with the President -- as if they'd help her now.

Sorry, guys.  I'm ashamed to say that it's schadenfreude city here.