
Guests Battle! Soldier To Dr. Phil: Quit The "Psychobabble" & Deal With The Islamic Factor at Ft. Hood

Like this former JAG officer, I was thinking the same thing. He should have whined that CNN was not "fair and balanced" due to the people who agreed with him. When acts of terror and evil done in the name of Islam are described as "stress" and the result of teasing, something is wrong. 

Here's our Dear Leader giving a "shout out" before discussing the Ft. Hood massacre:

Here's the Ft. Hood Press Conference with Lt. Gen. Robert Cone. Murder is alive and stable!

Shep Smith interviews Hasan’s cousin

Shep interview with Ret. Col. Terry Lee who Worked with Fort Hood Killer

Finally, Ft. Hood murderer exclaimed ‘Allah Akbar’ as he opened fire

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