
Clouds Over the Sunshine State

Charlie Crist is the mostly-conservative, Floridian version of Barack Obama. His tanned skin and shiny white hair dazzle the retirees up and down I-75, and his policies— well, except for a few quibbles, I'm okay with them, and so are nearly three-quarters of Floridians.

This news is more than a little disappointing, though. One hundred plane trips and nary a single disclosure as to what they're all about? I realize you don't have to, Charlie, but c'mon -- let us know about the special interests, or don't take the trips. I know you can do it. You're so cool.
Despite pledging to run the most open administration in Florida history, Gov. Charlie Christ will not fully disclose details of his political travel on private jets owned by special interests and wealthy Republican Party donors.

By law, he doesn't have to. But Christ has raised expectations by stressing total transparency in government and by requiring his staff to abide by higher ethical standards than the law requires.