
Gingrich Calls Mitt Romney the Weakest Republican Frontrunner Since 1920

It seems to me that Newt Gingrich’s chances of clinching the Republican nomination are fading precipitously. After all, he’s only won two primary contests thus far – South Carolina and Georgia – and, according to the latest numbers, must garner at least 70 percent of the remaining delegates to be crowned the nominee. However, in an effort to convince voters he is still the most viable conservative alternative to Mitt Romney, the former Speaker appeared on Fox News Sunday to defend his candidacy and discuss his electoral prospects with Chris Wallace. During the interview, Wallace asked him if there was any conceivable scenario – if indeed he loses both the Mississippi and Alabama primaries on Tuesday – in which he could still win the nomination. In effect, Gingrich argued he was quite capable of staging an 11th hour comeback – especially since Mitt Romney is the weakest Republican frontrunner in almost a century.

(H/T Mediaite)

“Romney’s probably the weakest Republican frontrunner since Leonard Wood in 1920, and Wood ultimately lost on… the tenth ballot. Romney has a challenge. He wins a state, for example, he wins Ohio. He wins 38 percent of the vote. Places where nobody else can compete because of money, Guam, for example, he does fine… Yes, he’s the frontrunner. He’s not a very strong frontrunner. Almost all conservatives are opposed to him, which is the base of the party. And I think we are as likely to see after the last primary in June, we’re as likely to see a 60-day conversation about what’s going to happen as we are going to see Romney dominating.”