
Feel Healthier Yet?

Today, courtesy of the AP,  we learn that 

The health care overhaul will cost U.S. companies billions and make them more likely to drop prescription drug coverage for retirees.  . . .

Generally, retirees would prefer to stay with prescription drug coverage provided by their companies as opposed to enrolling in a Medicare Part D plan, said Marilyn Moon, a health care economist with the nonpartisan American Institutes for Research.

She said most of the company-sponsored plans are more generous and almost none have the coverage gap that comes with Part D plans.

Those "billions" that will now go to the government is money that otherwise might have been put into research & development -- or hiring more workers.  Extra costs?  They'll be passed on to consumers (at least if the companies want to stay in business.)

But not to worry -- the retirees can enroll in Medicare for their prescription drug coverage.  Yes, the same Medicare that's scheduled to include a half-trillion in cuts.

Feel healthier yet?