
Campaign-Themed Cocktails at White House Media Dinner

Reuters is offering some campaign-themed cocktails at the White House Correspondents' Dinner Saturday.

Their offerings are below:

Hillary's Bosnian Bull-shooter:
If you're hoping to get intoxicated from this drink, run for cover. A single shot will keep you honest. It's nothing more than distilled water imported from Tuzla.

Barack O'Bomber:
More popular than ever with the younger set, the O'Bomber is sure to bowl you over. For a truly religious experience, polish it off and order another. You'll be singing its praises — and Wrightfully so. It's a Vodka, Jagermeister, Red Bull energy drink with a lime wedge.

The Senior Moment:
This one packs such a punch that you'll have trouble distinguishing one extremist group from another. Scotch on the rocks, no twist.

h/t TVNewser