
Next Time, Put the Check in the Mail

As Katie mentioned, Obama's visit to Hollywood for a glitzy Democrat fundraiser has caused serious headaches for already-miserable L.A. commuters.  The Wrap's Hunter Walker wrote from his own traffic jam:
I am coming to you live from the center of the worst traffic jam I have ever seen in my life. I've been trapped here for over three hours because President Obama and a group of Hollywood insiders are having a fancy fundraiser. 

Someone apparently decided that Obama's $30,000-a-plate dinner at the house of "West Wing" producer John Wells necessitated shutting down most of the major east-west through streets in Los Angeles. ...

If the President was unable to get to John Wells' house without causing this level of disruption, then perhaps he should have done his fundraising somewhere else -- like somewhere accessible by helicopter. Going through this gridlock is extra-painful because I know it is due to partisan fundraising rather than state business.

I don't know who specifically was responsible for the mess -- LADOT, the LAPD or the Secret Service, but I know that it was inexcusable. 

Even the Huffington Post isn't excusing this major flop and is asking, "Does President Obama Owe Los Angeles an Apology?"