
Joe Biden, Motivational Speaker

If you ever have the distinct pleasure of attending a speech by the Vice President, you'd better pay attention and be responsive, or Joe might get the stranglin' urge:

Vice President Joe Biden got a laugh from his audience at a Wisconsin fundraising event Thursday when he tried to rile the crowd about the economic collapse of 2008. 

“We want to reward people who manufacture things in the United States, in Wisconsin, not to take them overseas to China and to other countries!” he said to a silent room at the event for Democratic gubernatorial nominee Tom Barrett, according to a White House pool report. 

He continued, saying, “You’re the dullest audience I’ve ever spoken to," at which point he got applause and laughs. "Do you realize how many jobs Wisconsin lost? It’s staggering!"

Oh, I'm sure they all had quite a laugh.  But was it the most awkward laughter and applause ever heard at a Biden rally?  Not by a long shot: