
It's About Time

Hi everyone!

It's taken some time, but I'm finally here and ready to start blogging! It's unfortunate that many of my colleagues in Congress haven't yet tapped into this vital online resource (I should talk, it's taken me this long!), but there's an entire community to work with who have long abandoned the morning newspaper and 6pm newscast.

I've got my own channel going on YouTube. I'm making new friends on Facebook, and best of all,  I'm enjoying my time doing it.

I want to thank Townhall for facilitating this site and the work they do is second to none.

There's a lot going on in Congress including the Farm Bill and the War Supplemental, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to kick this blog off. I'll have a new post up very soon, but just wanted to start the conversation.


Oh and by the way, check out my blog roll to the right and you can see my other colleagues who have blogs of their own.