
Video: Watch Me "Lie" About the Stimulus!

I appeared on Fox & Friends over the weekend to discuss President Obama's recent jobs speech and to evaluate his re-run, costly proposals.  Near the very end of the segment, my opponent -- Democratic strategist Jehmu Greene -- accused me of "lying" about the effects of the first Stimulus.  She was given the last word:

People are always welcome to disagree with my analysis and opinions.   I've been called an idiot and a fool before, and will undoubtedly invite similar opprobrium in the future.  But I work hard to avoid deliberately misstating facts for political gain, so being called a liar didn't sit well with me.  If I'd had time to respond, I would have suggested that perhaps Jehmu was blissfully unaware of evidence like this, this, and this.  Or maybe, just maybe, she was the one with veracity issues.