
Steve Forbes Endorses Doug Hoffman (NY-23)

The Hoffman campaign just sent out this press release:

Forbes: Doug Hoffman stands for real Republican values
Former Republican Presidential candidate, lifelong Republican, and conservative activist Steve Forbes today endorsed Doug Hoffman in his bid to become the next Congressman from New York’s 23rd Congressional District.

Steve Forbes said: “Only one candidate in this race adheres to and promotes the true Republican values of smaller government, pro-growth tax policies and respect for traditional values. That candidate is Doug Hoffman. [# More #]

“Under the Democrat Congress and White House, we’ve seen runaway spending, more bail-outs and attempts to pass government run healthcare and union power grabs like Card Check. We’ve seen federal tax dollars used to promote abortion on demand and we’ve seen more of our freedoms put in jeopardy.

“I’m afraid that the other candidates in this race are far too similar in their records and stated support for much of the Democrats’ agenda in Washington.

“Like Doug Hoffman, I’m a lifelong Republican. But principles matter. The Republican nominee does not stand for the principles of our party, and I urge Republicans to give their support and their vote to the one candidate who does – Doug Hoffman.

“Doug Hoffman is the only candidate in this race with real, common sense Republican beliefs. And he can win this race if Republicans unite behind the man who advocates their principles.”

“Doug Hoffman said: “Steve Forbes is yet another life-long Republican activist who is backing my campaign. Steve and I share the same set of conservative values: a belief in cutting taxes, cutting spending, shrinking the deficit and strong support for traditional values. I am proud to have his support.”