
Reminder: Pulpit Initiative Debate, NOON Today at the National Press Club

As efforts to mute conservative criticism of liberal policies seem to be ever-increasing, this debate should be of particular interest....

The Alliance Defense Fund and the Federalist Society are co-sponsoring a debate today at noon on the following topic:

Does the 1954 Johnson Amendment violate the United States Constitution and federal law by requiring a pastor to refrain from addressing candidates and elections in light of Scripture or church doctrine during a sermon?


Benjamin W. Bull
, Chief Counsel, Alliance Defense Fund
Professor Douglas Laycock, Yale Kamisar Collegiate Professor of Law, The University of Michigan Law School
Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Executive Director, Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Professor Donald B. Tobin, Associate Dean for Faculty, The Ohio State University, Michael E. Moritz College of Law

The debate will be moderated by Steffen N. Johnson, Esq., from Winston & Strawn LLP

The event begins at 12:00 p.m. at the National Press Club.  Attend if you can.  Should be a good one.