
Only GOP Sponsor Jumps Ship From Obama's Climate Change Bill

Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., the only Republican member of Congress to signal cooperation on President Obama's climate change agenda, has pulled his support for the measure, marking a significant roadblock for the president and Congressional Democrats. 

Graham cited efforts to bring up a separate immigration bill and objected to the Democrats' "cynical political ploy" in a letter to business, religious, and conservation leaders.  Via CNN:
An aide to Graham told CNN the senator will no longer be attending a major news conference scheduled for Monday with Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts and independent Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut to unveil details of their "tri-partisan" climate change legislation...

A senior White House official told CNN that in recent days Graham has been privately threatening that he would abandon the climate talks unless Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, backed off of plans to push forward with comprehensive immigration reform ahead of the environmental legislation.

Reid released a statement Saturday saying he’s still committed to tackling both issues and will not be deterred by Graham’s decision.

“I appreciate the work of Senator Graham on both of these issues and understand the tremendous pressure he is under from members of his own party not to work with us on either measure,” said Reid. “But I will not allow him to play one issue off of another, and neither will the American people. They expect us to do both, and they will not accept the notion that trying to act on one is an excuse for not acting on the other."

Actually, if you were to ask the American people, I have a feeling they'd advise Democrats to not pursue either issue.  But I digress...