
Huck Pac Backs Big Spender, Gets Chilly Response From Conservatives ...

Huck Pac
has endorsed one of the biggest spenders in Washington -- Alaska's Don Young -- in a primary.  You might remember Don Young from his efforts to build a "bridge to nowhere."  So much for fiscal conservatism ...

Update:  The Club for Growth's Nachama Soloveichik weighs in on the subject with a post titled:  Vindication is Sweet.

Update:  Huck has issued a response: 

"I have been following the comments regarding Don Young today with interest. Your opinions are important to me and our team, so having read another comment just now asking for an explanation of our endorsement, I wanted to make sure you heard from me directly.

Don Young has been a consistent pro-family, pro-life vote in the Congress. Don also endorsed my campaign and stood by me in the public arena defending my record from false attacks when other members of Congress wouldn't be seen with me. I don't expect everyone to agree with each endorsement we make. I am thankful that we are able to talk about our differences openly and respectfully."

Note:  For those of you keeping score at home, Romney's Pac has not endorsed Young.

Update:  Did I mention Don Young is also under investigation for the Velco bribary scandal?