
Whoa: Chris Christie’s Approval Rating Hits 72% Post-Sandy

New Jersey Governor Christie Christie will seek re-election and, as of today, I can’t imagine anyone beating him:

New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie did an "excellent" or "good" job responding to Hurricane Sandy, 95 percent of Garden State voters say, as they give the governor a 72 - 21 percent approval rating, the highest score Quinnipiac University ever measured for a New Jersey governor, according to a poll released today.

Today's score tops Christie's previous high 59 - 36 percent job approval in an April 11 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.

Even Democrats approve of the Republican governor 52 - 39 percent.

Voters approve 84 - 12 percent, including 69 - 28 percent among Republicans, of Christie's praise for President Barack Obama's actions after Sandy.

Some conservatives no doubt are still griping over the governor’s effusive praise of President Obama during and after Hurricane Sandy -- a calculated and self-interested political maneuver they say helped The One win re-election. In any case, Governor Christie now boasts the highest approval rating ever recorded in the history of Quinnipiac polling. This is not insignificant, and suggests that any New Jersey Democrat seeking to unseat him will probably have their hands full.