
It's a New Month, but Business as Usual in the U.S. House

Fresh off a month-long August recess – during which well over a hundred Republican House members returned to DC to demand a vote on a comprehensive energy strategy and constituents throughout the country demanded action from their Representatives, you would think Congress would come back ready to roll on energy, right?


Here's a sample of what we have on the agenda this week.
S.2837: A bill to designate the U.S. courthouse located at 225 Cadman Plaza East , Brooklyn, NY, as the "Theodore Roosevelt United States Courthouse"

H.R. 6475: Daniel Webster Congressional Clerkship Act of 2008
Throw in a couple of post office dedications and some other resolutions and bills, and let's call it a week.

While this legislation is all well and good, to still not address the energy challenges facing our nation is simply irresponsible.

Hopefully the Speaker will come to her senses in the 15 work days we have left before adjourning for the year.