
Fit to Lead?

For the last few days here at the Greeneyeshade Blog, I have highlighted the atrocities of the Obama budget, and the enormous amount of debt, deficit, spending, and taxes that will result. But, you should feel comforted that the Democratic leadership of this Congress has the situation well in hand…note my heavy sarcasm.

Assuming House Democrats proceed with yet another vote to increase the debt limit, it will have been seven weeks since they last voted to increase the debt limit by $290 billion. In that time frame, House Democrats have:

-  Passed 7 resolutions congratulating sports figures or teams
-  Passed 23 resolutions honoring individuals or entities or promoting awareness of certain issues
-  Passed 5 bills naming post offices 
-  Authorized $50 million in spending to construct a new National Park in the Virgin Islands
-  Passed 0 bills to reduce spending or lower the deficit. 

Fit to Lead? I’ll let you be the judge.