
Potential RNC Chair Defends Palin

South Carolina Republican Chairman Katon Dawson, widely rumored to be in the running for national RNC chair,  issued a statement today defending Sarah Palin from the rumors being leaked about the former vice presidential candidate to news sources regarding her behavior on the campaign trail.

Dawson said the infighting was akin to "Republican cannibalism."

"The disappointment felt by many Republicans following Tuesday's election is certainly understandable," Dawson said. "However, the attacks on Governor Sarah Palin made by a disgruntled handful of political insiders are unacceptable.  Their claims, made under the veil of anonymity, can never be verified and only serve as fodder for our opposition. The media has already demonstrated its propensity to discredit Governor Palin, and the Democrats are undoubtedly rejoicing at the sight of this Republican cannibalism...I respectfully ask my fellow Republicans to join me in condemning these divisive attacks so that we can focus on the task at hand – moving forward as a Party and moving forward as a nation."