
A Great Saturday Night

I'm hanging out in my backyard having beers and burgers with my little brothers.

I just got done watching both of them play in our high school's alumni lacrosse game, along with a couple of my high-school friends. One bro had three goals; the other had two goals and an assist. Well done, boys.

We're having the after-party for the lacrosse game over at my parents' house. My parents are missing it, as they just left for D.C. on their way to Vermont for vacation. They were planning to hang out with me while there, but missed the memo that I'd be down here. But they were here for the day, so the whole Ham fam was together again.

And, don't worry about me. Despite what the MSM may have told you, a lacrosse party is a perfectly safe place to hang out, in my experience-- even in Durham.