
Big Labor to Target Workers IN THEIR HOMES

Big Labor wants members to make house calls to gin up support for their agenda, which includes "card check " legislation Congress is expected to begin work on soon.

Check out this flyer below from the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union.

"You'll probe and start organizing campaigns, develop worker committees and conduct house calls to workers," it says. 

House calls to workers? Notice it doesn't say "to members." It says workers. That means these union advocates, also known as "thugs" in many locales, are going to be showing up on your doorstep to talk about card check, whether you want to talk about it or not. They're going to be looking up home addresses and sending people out. Pulling in your driveway and knocking on your door.

Don't tell me that's not intimidation.

It sounds a little Michael Corleone-ish to me. "Where my family sleeps...where my children play with their toys.."The flyer alos mentions working with "political allies."

You can bet they probably aren't Republicans.
