
S.E. Cupp Joining Glenn Beck's Production Company

As Keith Olbermann supposedly still sits contributing to the unemployment rate, S.E. Cupp -- author, frequent Fox News guest, columnist, and contributing editor to Townhall Magazine -- announced today she'll be joining Mercury Radio Arts, Glenn Beck's multi-media production company, as a full-time employee for the site

The details of her new role will emerge more in the coming weeks, but Cupp told that she'll be working across all of the company's platforms. She will still keep her column at the New York Daily News and continue to author books and do television, radio, and public speaking appearances, much of which will be through Mercury.

"Mercury's going to be my home base now," she said.

Cupp called the company "one of the most creative places" she's seen and said she's thrilled to be trusted with helping maintain and expand the brand.

Of course, knowing S.E., that means it's about to get even spicier -- she's hoping her self-characterized "irreverent" style and being part of a younger generation complements Beck's personna and helps expand the company's audience to her peers.

She believes Mercury's creativity finds its source in the passion of its leader.

"[Beck's] enthusiasm helped make Mercury one of the most creative places to work at," Cupp said.