
New Look at TH

We just deployed some new features on

If you happen upon any bugs or problems, please shoot me an email at

Update:  Thanks for your valuable feedback.  Based on your requests. we are making several changes asap.  For example, we agreed with many of the commenters who noted it makes more sense for the comments to have a subject line -- as well as for all the names align on the left.  That input made a lot of sense, and we took it seriously.  

We made the changes to the entire columns  -- not just the comments -- page for a few reasons.: 1) We have heard from readers and wanted to make the page cleaner better organized.  We have more of a consistent three columns now with the content straight down the middle and in a larger default font.  2) we wanted to better highlight relevant videos and photos for readers that want more information on what our columns are discussing.  3) We added a news ticker and local weather at the top of the page to better give folks breaking news .

 My hope is that this re-design will ultimately improve the site -- and make your experience better.  Thanks for your input!