
Bam: Romney 45%, Obama 39%

An actual GOP candidate (rather than a 'generic Republican') has taken the biggest lead yet over Barack Obama in hypothetical 2012 presidential election matchups, reports Rasmussen. It warms my heart:

The latest national telephone survey finds that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters favor the former Massachusetts governor, while 39% prefer the president. Ten percent (10%) like some other candidate in the race, and six percent (6%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.) 

A week ago, Romney trailed Obama 44% to 41%.  The week before that, he held a slight 43% to 42% edge over the president. The two candidates have been essentially tied in regular surveys since January, but Romney remains the only GOP hopeful to lead Obama in more than one survey.

True, these numbers can fluctuate on what feels like a daily basis, but the fact that Republicans have yet to unite behind a single candidate, and our numbers are still this good, is fairly encouraging.