
Goodbye, John Berthoud.

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The cause of freedom lost a great fighter yesterday. John Berthoud, head of the National Taxpayers Union for 11 years, died Thursday of natural causes at his home in Arlington, Va.

He was taken from us way too soon. John was a passionate and, above all, positive leader in Washington. You'd be hard-pressed to find a person who's worked in the web of conferences, non-profits, strategy sessions, and happy hours we call the conservative movement and not had a kind word from John.

He was just a genuinely good guy who made everyone from friends to work acquaintances feel like they mattered. He was quick to inquire about your life and quick to host a party to celebrate just about anything, from tax cuts to the kick off of summer.

In a town where authenticity and unfailing good humor can be hard to come by, John made them part of himself and part of his mission. Our movement, our causes, and our country are better for it. Thanks for your hard work, John, and rest in peace.

To read tributes or leave condolences, please visit the NTU blog or John's Facebook page.

The Washington Times pays tribute to the "happy warrior," here.

He will be missed.